Monday, September 1, 2014

Alzheimer's Disease Foundation Malaysia - Memory Walk 2014

Alzheimer's Disease Foundation Malaysia is organizing the Memory Walk 2014 on the 21st September 2014 at Bukit Jalil Recreational Park. The Rotary Club of Sri Petaling is supporting this meaningful event. Please click HERE for the registration form.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Blood Donation Campaign 2013

We kick off our new year with this important 

Blood Donation Campaign 2013!

See You There....

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Blood Donation Campaign 4 December 2011

As our PP Ong KS has repeatedly said, we, the RC Sri Petaling has been very busy lately, with many projects lined up till the end of last year.  One of those projects, namely the Blood Donation Campaign, was one that we specially planned for the Sri Petaling community.  

The blood donation drive was held on the 4th December 2011 at The Store at Sri Petaling.  It started off a bit later than planned, but nevertheless, the crowd catched on quickly to make up for the loss time.  By 11:00am, the donors had already lined up at the registration counter.  Very soon, we realized the chairs were not even enough for the crowd to sit and wait for their turn.  We have to apologise for that.

Many of the experienced donors came prepared.  They knew exactly what to expect and patiently waiting for their turn.  There were also many "freshies" who experience the joy of giving, in this case, to save lives.  Whoever they were, they all came in with big hearts.  Thank you!

We were expecting a turn up of 40 to 50 donors, but that mark had been breached by lunch time.  The crowd was building up at the registration counter and we had to do some last minute adjustment to the registration and screening procedures in order to make the wait a little more pleasant.

The doctors, nurses and technicians from the National Blood Bank were working through lunch, until we insisted that they take a break.  They took turns to have their very short lunch breaks, but that did not disrupt the whole operation because they covered for one another.  Good job!

The whole blood donation drive was supposed to end at 5:00pm, but there were always surprises.  The response had been so good that all the storage boxes have been filled to the brim by 4:00pm.  Without the ice boxes, blood donated would be wasted.  So we had to reluctantly stopped the campaign at about 4:30pm.  As much as we hated to, we had to turn away donors who came in "late".  At the end of the day, we collected 72 packets of life-saving blood!

It was another well-done project, thanks to all the members, spouses, Interactors from SMK Sri Saujana, and all the general public who walked in to support and to donate blood.  We were overwhelmed by your unselfish act!


The fund raising exercise to buy 1 million bottles of drinking water to the Thailand flood victims has been successfully completed.  With our Project OC PE Amus Loo handing over the last batch of donation ( RM5030.00) over to DGN Sanguan Kunaporn of D3330 on the 15 December 2011 in Hatyai, Thailand, the whole event has finally come to an end.

In total, Rotary Club of Sri Petaling has collected RM20,030.00.  Raising this amount in such a short period is a true reflection of how loving and caring our donors are.  A big SALUTE to all the donors and, on behalf of all the flood victims in Thailand who benefited from your generosity, RC Sri Petaling would like to express our greatest gratitude to you.  THANK YOU!