Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Fun Drive N Durian Fest - Photos part1

Ok, Nick, finish your sandwich, time to start the Fun Drive.

It is election time?

Guys, what is so funny? Is it something I wear? Oh Sh*t, my zipper!

Choo, don't disturb the love birds la!

Still not sure of the answers?

Ok, its all over for the Fun Drive, wait for the durian fest!

Walk faster, I can smell the durian from the car park!

When it comes to fund raising, all the hard work is worth it.

Uncle, thank you!

Hey, all you can eat, not all you can take, ok!

Everyone is busy eating, but this lady seems to be looking for something else..

hee hee hee, good food, no I mean good fruits...

Superbikes "lelong"?

Choo, please don't block the camera, we want a shot of those bikes...

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