Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Fund Raising Through GOGOPAL Personal Navigation Device

Rotary Club of Sri Petaling had their first contact with Sekolah Kebangsaan Tun Abdul Razak, Kuala Kubu Baru, a national type school which caters to the orang asli school children in 2006. Our Charter President Tuan Haji Nordin happens to have a kampong house in Kuala Kubu Bahru as his retreat and through his contact; Rotary Club of Sri Petaling visited the school. We presented to them a much needed water filter and books for the library. Subsequently, we also donated a tent for the school so that the students do not have to suffer the heat and rain during assembly time.

After visiting the school and talking with the school principal and staff, we discovered that the teachers face a formidable task in getting the students to come to school. School attendance is about 50% for the orang asli children.

We also felt that their poor attendance could possibly be link to some health problem and this contributed to their lack of concentration in class too and this adversely affected their performance in their studies.

This fund raising that we are going to launch focuses on two things.


1. To expose the orang asli students through interesting learning activities that is geared to make learning as a fun activity.

2. To expose them by bringing them to science centers and places of interest like museums.

3. To provided musical instruments and set up a music class in the school for those who have interest but could not afford them.


1. Free health screening by doctors which includes eye checks

2. Health Camp where hygiene are stressed

3. Distribution of vitamins and de-worming tablets

We hope that the proceeds from the sale of the Go Go Pal navigation guide will go a long way to see that these students get a chance in school and later on in life so that they will make a difference in our community.

For more information on the exciting new device GOGOPAL, please browse to:

Normal Price RM1599

Current Promotional Price is RM1399 (3 months)

Rotary Club Sri Petaling is selling now at unbelivable RM1359 while stock lasts.

Furthermore, for every unit sold, RC Sri Petaling will receive RM200.00 to our Kuala Kubu Baru Project Fund.

Please contact Mr Laang JH ( or Ms Tang PM ( for demo and further enquiries.

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