Thursday, May 22, 2008

Visit To Ti Ratana on 15 June 2008

Dear Rotarians,
It is time for us to re-activate our enthusiasm and get ready for another exciting event:

Visit To Ti Ratana on 15 June 2008

This is a join-event with the Seremban Chung Hwa School Alumni. The visit will take place at 2pm to 5pm at Ti Ratana in Desa Petaling (refer to map attached for location).

The main objective of the project is to generate awareness among the members and to raise some fund and donation for the welfare society. It is part of Rotary Club of Sri Petaling's community service activities to show our care for the less fortunate. Since there will be an expected turn up of about 100 alumni members on that day, we should cease the opportunity to expose them to our Rotary Movement. So your presence is very much appreciated.

The brief programme of the day is as follows:
* Cultural Dance by Ti Ratana
* Indian Dance by Ti Ratana
* Hip Hop Dance by Ti Ratana
* Solo Singing by Ti Ratana
* Choir Peformance by Chung Hwa Alumni
* Story Telling by Chung Hwa Alumni
* Comic/Cartoon Workshop by RC Sri Petaling
* Art Demo by RC Sri Petaling

As a home for more than 200 children and more than 60 old folks, Ti Ratana needs all the assistance they can get from the public to continue their service for the less fortunates. There is a wish list attached that contains all the necessary items they required. They also indicated that they urgently need a couple of washing machines to cater for the large volume of laundary on a daily basis.

Of course this is just for your reference only. You are free to contribute in your own capacity and in any form. In fact, your mere presence on that day itself is already a show of your heartful concern to the needy.

Please pass your information to me as to who will be going and what you are contributing so that I can sort out the logistic with the alumni group to avoid confusion on that day. Thank you .

Please come back to this blog for future update of the project!

Kong Hin Yew
Rotary Club of Sri Petaling
Vice President 2007-2008

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